#include "BoxController.h" #include "Config.h" #include "Link.h" #include "TcpServer.h" #include "Widget.h" #include #include #include #include TcpServer* server; LinkObject* vo; LinkObject* vo1; const char* ConfigurationPath = "/opt/RecordControlApplication/bin/config.json"; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // init Link if (!Link::init()) { qDebug() << "Link init failed!"; return 0; } // init videooOutput and linuxfb before init QApplication, // otherwise dump because cant init screen and we have ui components // video output in channel HDMI-OUT0 vo = Link::create("OutputVo"); QVariantMap dataVo; dataVo["vid"] = 0; dataVo["type"] = "hdmi"; vo->start(dataVo); // video output in channel HDMI-OUT1 vo1 = Link::create("OutputVo"); QVariantMap dataVo1; dataVo1["vid"] = 1; dataVo1["ui"] = false; dataVo1["type"] = "vga|bt1120"; vo1->start(dataVo1); // special settings used channel HDMI-OUT1 static int lastNorm = 0; int norm = 0; QString str = "1080P60"; if (str == "1080P60") norm = 9; else if (str == "1080P50") norm = 10; else if (str == "1080P30") norm = 12; else if (str == "720P60") norm = 5; else if (str == "720P50") norm = 6; else if (str == "3840x2160_30") norm = 14; if (norm != lastNorm) { lastNorm = norm; QString cmd = "rmmod hi_lt8618sx_lp.ko"; system(cmd.toLatin1().data()); cmd = "insmod /ko/extdrv/hi_lt8618sx_lp.ko norm=" + QString::number(norm); system(cmd.toLatin1().data()); } QApplication a(argc, argv); // initialize configuration Config::loadConfig(ConfigurationPath); // create server and listen port 8080 // server = new TcpServer(); // server->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 8080); Widget w; w.show(); return a.exec(); }